Non-scalp Hair Transplants
Eyebrow, Beard, Eyelash, and Body Hair Transplants
These relatively newer hair restoration procedures have become high in demand, as results have reached a level of true naturalness. For Dr. Epstein, this is not a new phenomenon — he has been at the forefront in developing these techniques for over 15 years. Techniques that involve the meticulous making of the smallest possible recipient sites positioned to mimic natural growth. Dr. Epstein performs four or more of these procedures weekly, and continues to refine results.
The Expert in Eyebrows and Beards
There is likely not another surgeon who is as well known for his expertise in these specialty hair transplant procedures. Since 2001, Dr. Epstein has been developing techniques for transplanting hairs to the eyebrows and beards, as well as eyelashes, the chest, pubic region, even the legs and arms, and his work continues to be recognized worldwide for the aesthetic results he achieves, one patient at a time.
Dr. Epstein’s Key Accomplishments:
- Has performed more than 1900 eyebrow procedures and over 900 beard procedures
- Achieves natural-appearing results
- Has published scientific articles and textbook chapters
- Most cases performed using advanced FUE techniques
- Routinely invited to lecture on his techniques at national and international meetings
Non-scalp Hair Transplants
Eyebrow Transplants
This is a procedure for men and women who who desire fuller, more aesthetic appearing eyebrows. Whether the eyebrows are overly thin or flat or too arched from over plucking or genetics or aging, or missing hairs in a scar that is the result of trauma, they can be restored using techniques largely developed by Dr. Epstein himself, including the use of tiny blades half a millimeter in thickness into which the hairs get placed.

The procedure takes three to five hours to perform, most commonly with an oral sedative (although twilight anesthesia is offered) and local anesthesia. It is meticulous work, done with strict attention to detail and aesthetics. With his having performed more than 1,300 eyebrow transplants, there is likely no other surgeon with the same experience as Dr. Epstein and his special eyebrow team.
Beard Transplants
When more facial hair is desired, Dr. Epstein can create the desired look, whether to the entire beard or specific areas such as the goatee or sideburns, using techniques he has largely developed through the performing of more than over 900 beard procedures of these procedures. Facial hair transplants can also be used to conceal acne and other types of scars, as well as restore hair lost as a result of prior laser hair removal. The donor hairs most commonly come from the scalp, which typically grow like normal facial hair in their texture and other characteristics, and can be shaved or trimmed as desired. However, when appropriate, beard hairs from usually below the jawline can be used as donor hairs to fill in other areas of the beard.
The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia with oral sedation, although twilight sedation is offered. Taking four to eight hours to perform, each graft is individually harvested by FUE techniques, then dissected down to contain just the hairs that are then placed into thousands of recipient sites, each made one at a time by Dr. Epstein, with attention to the angle, direction, and position.
Other Body Hair Transplants
Some patients desire transplants to other areas of the body besides the beard. The most common of these areas is the chest, however Dr. Epstein has significant experience performing pubic hair transplants to conceal scarring from prior gender reassignment or penile elongation surgery, or from regretted prior laser hair removal. Other areas to where Dr. Epstein has restored hair include the axilla/armpits, arms, and legs. These procedures utilize scalp hairs for the donor, so they need to be trimmed on a regular basis.
Aesthetic results
Eyelash Transplants
This procedure, performed only to the upper eyelids, restores eyelashes where they are missing such as from overplucking and trauma, or enhances and thickens existing eyelashes. The eyelashes that come from the scalp are essentially “threaded” into the upper eyelids, optimizing their tendency to curl upwards. In a typical eyelash transplant, 90 to 110 hairs are placed to each side. Dr. Epstein usually recommends that patients first try Latisse or other lash-enhancing product before undergoing a transplant, due to the limitations of the procedure that include the need for regular trimming and curling, as well as small risks of the lashes growing into the eyes.
Chest, Axilla, Pubic, Arms, Legs.
All areas where Dr. Epstein has transplanted hairs to create fuller appearances. Sometimes these hairs are placed to restore a more masculine appearance, sometimes as part of the gender affirmation process, and other times to restore hair loss from prior surgery or laser hair removal.
Watch beard and eyebrow restoration videos
Is Dr. Epstein for You?
To learn more, or to schedule a consultation in Miami or virtually, call 305.666.1774 or email You can also fill out the form below to reach Dr. Epstein’s assistants Roxy or Dannette.
Sunset Professional Building
6280 Sunset Dr #504, Miami FL 33143
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